Hi! this carrd was made by @crymilingwithu in order to ‘explain’ mirror pronouns and mirror neopronouns. if you notice any mistake or you have any questions i didn’t answer in the FAQ feel free to dm me!
click on the flag to start :)
Basics and Definition
You may know people who use “mirror pronouns”, so what are they?
mirror pronouns consist in a subset of mutopronominal in which one identifies with the same pronouns as the person they’re speaking with, or in different words, you will use for them the same pronouns that you use for yourself.
to make things easier let’s use an example: if you go by they/them, then you’re gonna use they/them for who goes by mirror pronouns too.
Mirror Neopronouns
What are neopronouns?
Neopronouns are a category of new (neo) pronouns that are increasingly used in place of “she,” “he,” or “they” when referring to a person. Some examples include: xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir.
What are Mirror Neopronouns?
Mirror Neopronouns are almost the same as mirror pronouns, with the difference that instead of using on a person the same pronouns you use for yourself you will use on them the same neopronouns you use for yourself.
Frequently asked questions
What if someone goes by mirror neopronouns but i don’t use them?
Understandable concern, but don’t worry. Usually whoever uses mirror neopronouns also use other pronouns (maybe mirror pronouns) and so you can use those instead, or if you’re unsure ask them what they’d prefer.
Who can use mirror pronouns or mirror neopronouns?
Everyone! They’re generally used among gender non-conforming or non-binary people, but it’s not a requirement. If you feel like they would fit you then go for it and try them! :)
A reminder
The best thing you can do whenever you’re unsure about the use of someone’s pronouns is always to ask them. And also, you don’t have to “understand” their pronouns, but you have to respect them.
What if two persons that use mirror pronouns have to refer to each other?
That depends on the two persons preferences!
Thank you for reading! i hope this carrd helped you to gain a better understanding of the whole thing. obviously i don’t speak for everyone so if anyone has corrections to make i’m always willing to :)
i did not come up with mirror pronouns and i don’t take any credit for it.